Информируем Вас, что с 01.07.2024 торговая площадка https://agro2b.com/ прекращает свою работу.
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https://logix.goldenseed.ru/ - АТП по направлению логистики и экспедирования.
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User Agreement


  1. The Parties to this User Agreement (hereinafter also referred to as the “User Agreement”, the “Agreement”) are Limited Liability Company “AgroWeb”,hereinafter referred as the “Website Administration” or the “Administration” and the duly empowered User acceded to this Agreement, which can be a legal entity registered in accordance with the Laws of the Russian Federation, an individual entrepreneur, registered in accordance with the Laws of the Russian Federation or an individual of the age above 18 years old, which is recognized as a participant of civil relations in accordance with requirements of the Civil Laws of the Russian Federation (hereinafter, the “User”).


  1. This Agreement, along with the Offer Contract, shall govern relations between the Administration of the website http://agro2b.com (hereinafter also referred to as the “Website”) and the User with regard to the following services rendered by the Website Administration:

- placement of any information provided by the User in the databases of the Website.

- access to the information placed by other Users in the databases of the Website.

- providing possibility for the User to work in its personal account on the Website with the right to arrange and participate in tenders.

- remote consultancy support to the User.


  1. Getting started with any service/its separate functions or having finished the registration procedure, the User is deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of this Agreement to the full extent, without any reservations and exceptions, as well as all the rights and obligations related to the use and operation of the Website. If the User disagrees with any provision hereof, the User shall be deprived of the right to use the website services.


  1. The Administration reserves the right to introduce amendments to this Agreement which shall come into force from the moment of their publication at this page of the website. If the User keeps using the website after introduction of such amendments it shall mean its consent to such amendments. It is the User’s responsibility to check this page regularly in order to familiarize with the current version of the Agreement. If the User disagrees with this Agreement and the terms and conditions of rendering services the User shall be deprived of the right to use the website services.


  1. To use some services of the Website or their certain separate functions the User should go through the registration procedure which will result in creation of the User’s unique account (the Account).

5.1. In the course of the Account registration the User shall provide up-to-date and true information filling in the corresponding fields of the registration form, thereafter the indicated information shall be kept up-to-date by the User. For entering the Website the User creates its unique registration details— login and password, which are confidential and shall not be disclosed, except for the cases stipulated by the current legislation and/or the User Agreement. The User shall be liable for any fraud and other illegal actions with the User’s Account occurred due to loss of password. The User is recommended to select the password which can be hardly guessed by the third parties.

5.2. The Website Administration reserves the right at any time to request the User to confirm its data indicated in the course of registration and require supporting documents in this regard, the failure to provide which can be, at the discretion of the Website Administration, treated as provision of untrue information and incur consequences, stipulated in clause 5.3 hereof. If the User’s data indicated in the documents provided by the User does not coincide with the data mentioned at registration, as well as when the data provided at registration does not allow to identify the user, the Website Administration is entitled to deny access of the User to its account and the use of the website services.

5.3. If the User provides incorrect information or the Website Administration has the grounds to suppose that the information provided by the User is incomplete or untrue, the Website Administration is entitled at its discretion to lock or delete the User’s account and deny access of the User to the website services (or their separate functions).

5.4. When the User registers on the Website as a Company, the Website Administration is entitled to request the User and the latter in its turn is obliged to submit a power of attorney or any other confirmation of its powers to publish information on the Website on behalf of a legal entity (the “Company”) in order to obtain a status of the legal representative of the Company on the Website.

When creating and administering the Account on the Website, the User acknowledges that it acts legally (e.g., by power of attorney), possesses all necessary rights and its actions do not violate any legal rights and interests of the third parties as well as the current Laws of the Russian Federation, including the competition law, intellectual property law and advertising law.

When placing an advertisement offering services subject to licensing or products which conformity to be confirmed, the text of the advertisement shall contain a license number and a name of the issuing authority or a conformity certificate/declaration number and a name of the issuing authority. The Administration recommends the Users to request for corresponding documents when the Users contact suppliers of such services or products.

5.5. The User is entitled at any time to request the Website Administration to delete its account on the website by e-mailing to: manager@agro2b.com and sending the original request to the address: 344010, 233, Malyuginoy Str., Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation. Upon the expiry of 10 (ten) calendar days from the moment of the original request receipt by the Website Administration the User’s account subjects to deletion.

5.6. Deletion of the account at the initiative of the Website Administration is performed as follows:

- the User’s account will be locked if the content of the User’s information fails to comply with requirements of the current legislation, including responsibility to the third parties in cases when the publication of any information by the User or the content of such information violates the right and legal interests of the third parties, including personal non-proprietary rights of authors, other intellectual rights of third parties and/or encroach on their own intangible values. The account is locked for one month, and within this period the content placed from this account and other user’s details remain unchanged but inaccessible both for the User – owner of the account and for other users. If within the period mentioned the User has not deleted such information forbidden for publication on the website, the Website Administration is entitled to delete the User’s account.


  1. The User shall be solely liable for security (resistance to guessing attacks) of the chosen password and shall ensure confidentiality of its password. The User shall be solely liable for all actions (and their consequences) within the frames or with the use of the website services under the User’s account, including events of voluntary transfer of data necessary to access the account by the User to the third parties under any terms and conditions. Herewith all actions within the frames or with the use of the Website services under the User’s account shall be deemed to be performed by the User itself, except for the cases when the User, in the form and manner stipulated by clause 6.1. hereof, has notified the Website Administration about an authorized access to the website services by means of the User’s account and/or any other violation (allegations of violation) of the confidentiality of its password.

6.1. The User shall immediately notify the Website Administration about any event of an unauthorized (not allowed by the User) access to the website services under the User’s account and/or any other violation (allegations of violation) of confidentiality of its password. For the purposes of security, the User is obliged to follow secure logout procedure (button “Logout”) under its account upon completion of any working session with the website services. The Website Administration shall bear no responsibility for possible loss or damage of data, as well as for other consequences of any nature, which can occur due to the breach of the provisions hereof by the User.

  1. All information (whether it is referred by the Laws of the Russian Federation to the personal or other details subject to protection pursuant to the Laws of the Russian Federation or not), placed by the User on the Website on its own initiative, is intended for selling the User’s property and/or services and/or in any other interests of the User, and the User, correspondingly, places any information about itself solely in its own interests, including to facilitate establishing contact with the User and/or its identifying. Placing the information about itself the User understands that this published information is available to the public on the Website, that is it is available for study to any visitor of the Website, correspondingly, the User understands and assumes all the risks related to such publication of the information, including but not limited to: risk that e-mail address may be added to the lists of spam-messages distribution, risk that e-mail address may be used by any kind of fraudsters, risk that a telephone number may fall into hands of SMS-spammers and/or SMS-fraudsters and other risks, resulting from such publication of information.

7.1. By accepting the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the User confirms its consent to processing by the Website Administration of its personal details provided at registration, as well as information placed by the User at its own initiative on its personal account. The Website Administration processes the User’s personal details for the purpose of rendering services to the User and checks, studies and analyzes such details which allow both to maintain and improve existing services and sections of the Website, and to develop the new ones.

7.2. The Website Administration is entitled to administer statistical information related to the operation of the Website, as well as the User’s information in order to ensure addressed demonstration of advertising materials to various groups of the Website Users. For the purposes of arranging operation and technical support of the Website and performance of this Agreement the Website Administration has a technical capability to access personal pages of the Users, which will be used only in cases stipulated by this Agreement.

7.3. The Website Administration can use registration information, including e-mail address, post address, telephone number or fax number of the User for notifications, polls and annunciations as well as for sending proposals of new additional features and services. The Website Administration can use the User’s registration information for internal analysis, monitoring and marketing researches.


  1. Information provided by the User and its actions on the Website shall not:

- be false, inaccurate or misleading;

- facilitate fraud, deceit or abuse of trust;

- lead to effecting transactions with stolen or counterfeit articles;

- violate or encroach on the property of a third party, its commercial secret or its right of privacy;

- contain defamation or threats to any party;

- appeal to making a crime as well as incite the ethnic hatred;

- support, contribute or call to terrorism and extremism;

- be indecent;

- contain information, injuring someone’s honor, dignity or business reputation;

- contain computer viruses and other software intended, in particular, for causing harm, unauthorized penetration, covert interception or appropriate any system data or the system itself, or the part hereof, or personal information or other data;

- cause harm to the Website;

- otherwise violate the current legislation.


  1. Limitation of the Administration’s liability

9.1. In spite of the fact that the Website Administration performs post-modernization (editing) of information about the Users, placed on the Website, and that information published on the Website is received from the sources considered by the Administration to be reliable, the latter is incapable of conducting comprehensive inspection of the information published by the Users and, correspondingly, can not guarantee its quality, reliability and legitimacy of its publication. The Administration takes all possible efforts to exclude any negligent, messy, insulting, untrue or obviously incomplete Information from the Website, however, in the long run, the responsibility for such information shall be borne by the Users which published it.

The Website is only a means of transferring Information and the Administration in no case shall be liable for its reliability, up-to-dateness and completeness.

Information published on the Website can not be considered as recommendations for making investment decisions by the Users. The Website Administration shall not be liable for investment decisions made on the basis of information contained on the Website and Personal accounts of the Users, as well as for any direct or indirect losses and/or damages incurred as a result of the use of this information or any part thereof.

If the User has any claims to any other User in connection with the use of the products and/or services by the latter, the User agrees to present and settle these claims by its own and without involving the Website Administration, and also indemnifies the Administration against all claims, obligations, compensations for damages, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees, and any other charges, incurred as a result of or in connection with such claims. The Administration shall bear no liability for failure or difficulties with the performance of obligations due to force-majeure circumstances the consequences of which can not be avoided or overcome.

9.2. The Website Administration shall not be liable for the content of the information materials published by the Users and for their compliance with the legal requirements, for violation of copyright, unauthorized use of trademarks, names and logos of firms as well as for possible infringement of the third parties’ rights resulting from the publication of this information on the website. The User shall be solely liable for compliance with the requirements of the law on the copyright and associated rights protection, trademarks and service brands protection, advertising, consumers’ rights protection, etc., including full liability for the content of the websites, to which the User attach a redirecting link, other actions, performed by it as an advertiser and/or an advertising distributor. Should any third parties submit any claims with regard to publication of the information and/or advertising materials on the website, the User shall settle the mentioned claims by its own and at its own expense.

9.3. If the User causes any damages to the Website Administration due to the third parties’ claims, which entailed the imposition of any fines on the Administration by inspecting and controlling authorities/organizations due to the placement (failure to place) of the information and necessary documents by the User, the Administration shall be entitled to claim for compensation of the corresponding amounts by the User. The User shall pay the claimed amounts within 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of receipt of the Website Administration notice.

9.4. The Administration is entitled to refuse the User in publishing its Information, as well as to delete all information materials at its own discretion, if their content contradicts the requirements of the present agreement and/or the current legislation. Herewith the Administration is not obliged to notify the User about the causes of such refusal.

9.5. As far as it is difficult to identify the website users for technical reasons, the Administration is not responsible for ensuring that the registered users are actually the persons they claim themselves to be and bears no liability for any possible damage caused to other persons for this reason.

9.6. Using the Information from the website, the User is aware of and accepts the risks related to its possible unreliability, and also that the User may find some Information threatening, insulting, slanderous, knowingly false, rude and indecent. If it occurs, the User shall immediately leave the website and inform the Administration about the presence of such Information.

9.7 Under no circumstances the Administration or its representatives shall be liable to the Users or any other third parties for any indirect, occasional, accidental damage, including any loss of expected profit or data, harm to honor, dignity or business reputation caused due to this website, its use or inability to use it.

9.8. The Administration does not guarantee that the software, servers and computer networks used by the website are free of errors and computer viruses. The Administration shall not be liable for any loss of data or damage to the hardware resulted from the use of the website.


  1. The Administration is entitled to:

10.1. change the website design, content, list of services, modify or supplement the software and other objects used or stored on the website at any time with or without prior notice.

10.2. if necessary, send e-mail messages to the Users related to the use of the website.

10.3. change conditions of granting or withdraw access without prior notice.

10.4. modify or delete any information, being in breach of this agreement, as well as suspend, limit or withdraw access of the User to the website with or without prior notice.

10.5. establish additional limitations for the use of the website and to change such limitations at any time.

  1. The User is entitled to:

- place the Information in the databases of the Website with the right to arrange tenders and participate in them.

- contact the Administration for resolving disputable issues or obtaining support in using the website.

11.1. The User undertakes to:

- be fully liable (including materially liable) for any actions (failure to act) performed (not performed) by the User, and any consequences which they can entail or have entailed;

- act solely and exclusively in accordance with the current legislation and the User Agreement of the Website, and be fully liable for its own actions and failure to act on the Website and while using Services pursuant to the Laws of the Russian Federation.

  1. This Agreement may be terminated by the User at any time provided that the Administration is notified about it in written form by e-mail to: manager@agro2b.com and the original notice is sent to the address: 344010, 233, Malyuginoy Str., Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation. In this case the Agreement shall be deemed terminated upon the expiry of 10 (ten) calendar days from the moment of receipt of the original notice by the Website Administration and the User’s account shall be deleted. The Parties to the Agreement shall not be released from the obligations, arisen prior to the termination of the Agreement for one reason or another, in particular with regard to settlement of payments. As soon as this Agreement is terminated, the access of the User to the services of the Website is withdrawn. Further use of the Website services is possible only after the repeated registration procedure.
  2. The terms and conditions of this User Agreement are determined by the Website Administration in the standard form, placed on the Website, addressed to the public and can be accepted by the User not otherwise than by fully acceding to this Agreement.
  3. НThis User Agreement shall come into effect for the User from the moment of its acceding to it by pressing the button “I accept the terms and conditions of the Agreement”, placed at the end of the registration page on the website http://agro2b.com and is valid during an indefinite period. Actual use of the possibilities, features and services of the Website also confirms that the User agrees to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
  4. This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of the Russian Federation. Any possible disputes, arising out of the relations regulated by this Agreement shall be resolved (depending on the subject composition) in the Arbitrage Court of Rostov region or in Kirovskiy regional court of Rostov-on-Don under the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation pursuant to the norms of the Russian Law.


Date: October, 01, 2015.


The contract offer

Download as PDF Customer agreement (128 КБ)